Adults Learners Are Working for You: Problem Solvers

BlogImage Ants2

Adults don’t have to be spoon fed.  You can present them with a business challenge, a bit of teaching regarding the resources and technology available to them, then tell them to figure out a way to address the issue quickly and effectively. Given the time, resources and the support they need to solve the problem, they’ll do it and feel good about themselves.  As an added bonus, they’re more likely to stay totally engaged throughout the process, much like the ants who are committed to the solution depicted here.

Some people in teaching roles make the mistake of thinking that they need to be the “fountain of all wisdom” regarding the teaching topic, and while sometimes this is the case (such as with the delivery of compliance teaching, where someone really needs to know all of the rules and regulations, or the use of specific protocol), most of the time this is just added pressure on the teacher.  That scenario does not create a better learning experience nor does it increase retention. 

Bottom Line: If you are striving for retention through application, remember to give your learners a problem to solve. A tough and relevant one, not an easy one. This will keep them engaged and drive deeper learning that also lasts longer. 

Tell me and I forget. 

Teach me and I remember.  

Involve me and I learn.

Contact Kristine Ranger at 517-974-5697 or